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August 18, 2021 at 3:26 am #415
ParticipantThis is a spiritual experience of a different kind. I feel like I know how to have my prayers answered and have been visited my deceased grandmother in dreams to give me comfort or information.
So, having the adversary rear it’s ugly head is an experience I will never forget. I have 6 Kids, 4 of which are out of the house and all have gone on missions and are active faithful members of the church.
That is until my next kid comes along and decides to dabble in the occult with ouuji
Boards and such inside my home, ( which is our holy place of safety) without my knowledge, and with 4 other friends of whom I had trusted, since they are all good kids in the church and one even being our stake presidents son.I started to realize there was something wrong in the house when I started experiencing strange occurrences, sounds, shapes and active ghost- like events which were very unnerving.
I wasn’t too alarmed at the time since I have always been able to see ghost figures even as a little girl. There were not terrifying, just simply a person fully dressed moving by, male or female. They moved around and never acknowledged me and moved around as if they were on a mission and couldn’t be seen.This was something different. This presence felt evil and Started having what people term “ sleep paralysis “ where I would be awakened in the middle of the night with a heavy being on top of me, crushing me, smothering me and the feeling that my body and spirit were being invaded, almost like a possession was being attempted. I firmly believe it was my holy garments that protected me, along with trying to cast them out by calling to Christ in my head, because I could neither yell or move.
If this has ever happened to anyone it is a very terrifying experience.
I was also being woke up by footsteps, doors opening, hearing my dog walking to the door and scratching to get out only to find he was fast asleep in his bed. Evil spirits were invading my normal peaceful dreams.
There are many other things, but these events would all happen in the middle of the night, always with our digital clock at 2;22, 3:33, 4:44. It got to the point I was afraid to look at the clock if I got woke up, nor would I look at any mirrors or windows. Not sure why other than the feeling if I looked I would see something terrifying.My husband and I tried everything. Blessing the house again ( we built it, so no other owner could be blamed for this) he have me priesthood blessings which both of those seemed to help for awhile but then would all start back up. This wasn’t affecting my husband at all, it’s as if I was being targeted because they figured out I could heard and see them. Like I was being taunted.
The final straw, and how I figured out what was going on was this.
My son, who was a HS senior at the time was upstairs in our bonus room on the computer playing an online game with his friends all logged in at the same time playing together as a team. As I walked up the stairs to take some toys up to the room and then to ask my son to come down for prayers. We say prayers religiously every night a 9pm bed by 10 pm for the older kids.As I walked up the stairs, I looked to my left to see and hear my son have a fun time with his friends with the game , which was appropriate. The room was darkened except for a can light that was on right above the computer shining a light where I could see the computer and my son clearly. But right behind him were two persons, standing just out of the light which seemed to me as if it were two of his friends that had come over and were watching him play the game. They were just outside the cascade of light which looked like they were shadowed because of the dark room. I just glanced over and then glanced away since I assumed they were friends. They were definitely male in nature and fit the bodily description of a young adult.
I then said to my son “come down for prayers and you two are more than welcome to join too”. The figures never made a move, but my son said “ok!” I then set the toys down, turned around heading back down the stairs. I thought it odd that the young men didn’t say anything to me because all of his friends called me “mom” and we’re super friendly because I’ve know them since most of them were young. So I looked back over expecting to get some kind of warm greeting, so I pushed again and said “hey guys I didn’t know you were here, you must have snuck in – jokingly” I said again, inviting them directly “ you are more than welcome to come down with (my son, only using his name)to come say prayers with us” “ but you need to come now since dad is tired”I stopped and looked waiting for some kind of verbal response, but there were no words. But then the figures both moved in unison looking directly at me. I immediately got this cold chill and the hair on my back and neck stood straight up. I still wasn’t sure what I was seeing, but went down the stairs quickly as my son said “I know mom, I’ll be right down. You know I can’t pause a live game! Lol!)
I met my husband and young daughter in the living room and patiently waited for our son so we could say prayers. I asked my husband if he knew that my son had two friends over and if he knew who they were, and he said no, I haven’t seen or heard anyone come in.
So I thought logically, ok, just wait…my son came down by himself and I asked where his two friends were. He said I don’t have any friends over mom… I said I saw them, didn’t you hear me talking to them and inviting them down for prayer? He said yes I heard you, but you didn’t make any sense to me and couldn’t figure out what you were talking about. But he was in the middle of this intense game and could worry about clarifying what the heck I was talking about.
I then retold the story to him and we all just sat there kind of freaked out. I know what I saw…
I then told him, “ we need to talk”. I then knew that the evil that had been going on had something to do with him. That night my husband and I talked to him and he assured me nothing was going on and Even though he believed me, that he didn’t believe in “ghosts” or evil being able to make a presence.
I had to let it go, but it wasn’t more than a week later that I got a call from my college daughter in the middle of the night telling me that her brother just called her totally freaked out and that he needed help immediately up in his room. I didn’t wake my husband up, but immediately ran upstairs to his bedroom where he was sitting up in bed with the lights on shaking and terrified.
I asked him what was wrong. He was hesitant, but he trusted me and needed help. He finally confessed about messing with the occult and an ouija board. He said he had made friends with a demon named something like xydzozo?? He said he thought it was a friend because it called my son his “homie”Apparently, they had only been doing things at our house… I have no idea why, but my son had purchased all the items because he could afford it more than the others due to his job. So he felt the items were his.
But then bad things started to happen to all the boys. I couldn’t get him to tell me exactly what had happened and to whom, but just that bad stuff was happening. ( I think he was afraid I would get the other parents involved, I understood that)
But the bad stuff had gotten even worse when they refused to participate any more. My son has gotten rid of everything buy the board, so I have no idea what he exactly had had nor exactly how far things had gone. But this last straw was when my son the day before decided to hide the board in our garage intending to throw it away the next day. But in the middle of night as he was sleeping he rolled over and slid his hand under his pillow only to find the board there! It had moved from the garage to under his pillow. He was freaking out like I have never seen any of kids in the frame of mind in my life.
I took the board and put it outside his room and we knelt in prayer as I prayed to cast out anything in the house and asked for protection for my son.
I then gave him a loving scolding and told him that I hoped he had learned his lesson and also the fact that his actions had not only hurt him but me and the others in the house with the loss of the spirit. I tucked him into bed ( with the lights on…;-)
I look the board… it was a heavy evil feeling. I had never touched one before and had never intended to, but here I was..
I took the board back out to the garage and set it on top of our garage can. In the morning it was still there and I instructed my son that it was his job to find a way to destroy it and he needed to do it now before he went to school.
After school he told me he drove to the top of a canyon near by our home and threw As hard as he could against a rock then off the cliff as he watched it break into a bunch of pieces.All was right in our worlds for a few more days until the final manifestation happened. It happened to me. Maybe for meddling? But this time rather than a usual sleep paralysis feeling, with all of the symptoms of being sat on, smothered and violated I actually saw what was above me. It was unlike anything I have ever seen.. it was an evil dark demon shapeless type figure looking right at me into my head and soul.
I can draw a picture of it as I exactly saw it that night years ago. The presence and evil crushing me.
But for some reason I wasn’t afraid as I looked into it’s eyes. I knew this was my son’s demon that had made friend with him, and he was mad that I had taken that from him.
I knew I was protected with my holy garments of the priesthood and mantle of motherhood. I still was frozen, and couldn’t move more speak, all of the happening with my sleeping snoring husband next to me.The only thing I could do is try again to rebuke and cry to my Christ for deliverance. I repeated the rebuke to leave and never come back, over and over,,,
Until finally he said to my mind “fine!!!!!”
It then went towards my window and opened the whole thing like it was a door. It looked back at me as he slammed it shut behind him.
It knew it was finally over. Neither me or my son has had any problems with Entities, or unexplained evil ever again. The house and myself have been free and clean for close to 3 years now since this event happens.
People don’t realize that evil and satan are real and have real powers for bad if you allow them in. It doesn’t take much… what my son did was way crossing the line than any sane person would do, but many don’t realize that movie, types of music and media where you KNOW satans influence is involved can destroy the spirit allowing the evil to slowly creep in.
And the fact that I was living a righteous, clean and worthy life was no match for the choices of another’s bad choices. I paid for it for close to a year before I finally figured out what was going on. I was so baffled as to why this was happening to me.
I know that Christ lives. And that there are reasons we have commandments and prophets and apostles to lead and guide us today. The only reason why we have commandments and “rules” is because HE loves us and wants to protect us in every way from the adversary.
August 18, 2021 at 5:03 pm #416admin
KeymasterThank you so much for sharing your experiences. That was harrowing, and I’m so happy you were able to overcome it. I have long thought that these horrible beings gain a great deal of power and control by convincing us to keep their abuse hidden away, locked in the dark recesses of our lives. Your pursuit of the truth, and discovering what was really occurring was obviously instrumental in bringing this evil into the light of day, where you were eventually able to vanquish it. For others who find themselves dealing with these evil beings, I suggest that you get your bishop and stake president involved immediately. Every leader should know about what is happening to the members. Thank you JUJ!
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January 21, 2022 at 3:30 am #739Arsareth
ParticipantI struggled in my youth with many of the same things our youth of today struggle with. Personal weakness combined with exposure to peer pressure, inappropriate media, and debasing music can all have a negative influence on any of us, but I have also come to believe that some of these things open the door to a more sinister presence in our lives.
Fortunately I was able to overcame many of my own struggles as I prepared for and then served a full time mission. However, a while after returning, there were new struggles for me which led to depression and despair. I greatly missed the spiritual high of the mission field. Repentance at times felt out of reach and I felt alone and detached. It was at this low point I received a wake up call.
I have always been an avid reader so I used that to keep myself busy during those down times. Gospel related study would help me keep the focus off the struggles and temptations that often afflicted me. In the process of doing this I happened to pick up a copy of The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. His exposure of the means employed by the adversary to deceive and bind us began to open my mind to the nature and reality of my own struggles over the years. Looking back now I wonder if my new found awareness might have gotten the attention of the opposition.
As I laid down one night pondering about what I had been reading I had an experience I will never forget and one that I have only shared privately with a select few until now almost 30 years later. I don’t remember falling asleep on the night of my experience, but I definitely remember the dream/ vision that followed.
As the dream began, a dimensional type room adjacent to my own bedroom appeared before me. In this room I saw a tall, darkly dressed, and extremely focused man with his face turned slightly away from me engrossed in something he was working on at a table in front of him. After watching him work for a time with his back turned to me I suddenly felt like he was either the adversary or a trusted helper of his and that I was in danger. At that moment he become aware that I was viewing him working. As he turned to menacingly face me the vision or dream suddenly ended and I woke or came out of it lying in my bed staring at the bedroom closet. I felt a terrible invisible presence in my room and attempted to command it to leave in the name of the Savior, but no words came and no sound escaped my lips. A “paralysis” had overtaken me. I could not speak or move at all. So I began pleading with the Lord for help in my mind as I lied there completely frozen in my bed. Finally after what seemed like forever thoughts became a whisper and the whisper then turned into words. I kept repeating those words again and again until they were strong and clear and then it was suddenly over. I was extremely tired, but my strength and movement slowly retuned and I no longer felt that ominous presence subduing me. I finally sat up in bed thanking and praising God.
This all occurred in the morning hours sometime between 12:30 and 2:30 according to checks of my alarm clock before and after the experience. I was a little worried to try and sleep after that, but eventually did after saying a prayer. From that experience I gained a much deeper testimony of priesthood power, temple clothing, and covenants. We must pray always and follow God’s commandments. We should avoid anything that would grieve the Lord’s spirit and leave us vulnerable and unprotected. Conversely we should seek to cultivate wholesome and uplifting thoughts and guard against media, music, and messages that would leave us exposed to the power of the adversary.
Many would scoff at such experiences or explain them away to their own detriment. For those who have been through them they are left with a lasting impression of their own weakness and need to rely on their Savior.
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